Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Kitty

Did you know that yesterday was Hello Kitty's birthday? She's a whopping 25 years old. To celebrate this momentous occasion, Ms. Kitty stood outside her store in Serramonte posing for pictures while young girls signed her birthday card. Not exactly the way I spent my 25th but then I'm not as animated as the the birthday feline. When we happened upon this celebration during my search for a DVD player and some lunch, I was struck by the fact that those lined up to take a picture with the ever-so-patient Ms. Kitty, dozens of grown ass women. And I use the term "grown ass" in the most benefical way possible. Naturally, my almost grown ass daughter and her friend decided they too needed to pose with the cat as evidenced above. So happy birthday you big puss - and many happy returns.
In knitting news, I have been triumptant in the first round of knit wars having dispatched my first victim, clumberknits, last week. My victim was kind enough to send her unfinished weapons of cotton destruction most swiftly. I had hoped to have the finished pair in the mail on Monday but I fear it will take longer as I had some Jayne hat knitting to do this weekend. So I've turned the heel on the first sock and hope to finish it or come close, this evening. And I won't be able to knit until late Monday so 2nd sock may not be ready to mail until Wednesday. So my death may be fast approached as my status on the database changed on Friday to "dying" but still no word from my stealth assissan. My only hope is that it's not the killer who's cutting corners on the socks by making the foot all stockinette. I hope to die a noble death :)
And I'm loving the yarn that clumberknits has for her weapons - cotton and elastic are my friend. I'm gonna have to get me some of that and make a pair for myself - I'm loving it.

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