Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy Little Bee

I've been a busy, busy little knitter of late. Lots of Jayne hats that I'm knitting for the Equality Now screening of Serenity. I was approached to be a sponser but since I'm just one little ole' knitter, I had to turn them down. But, I am making hats available to them at a discount to be used as raffle prizes, etc. So I'm stacking up the hats - I'm going to try to send extras to each location that places an order because the charity that will benefit from all this Browncoat love is an excellent one.
In other Browncoat releated news - the devil that is FOX television (you know, the guys who give you that O'Reily a$$hat)have decided to cancel Drive. It did get sucky ratings and they did promote the hell out of it, but give it more than 4 freakin episodes people! It's almost summer, rerun the whole thing then when all we have to watch is Big Brother 8!
In knitting-ish news, I've gotten really, really close to having some fabulous new items for my web store. A brand new design is on the way for my website - so this summer, look out - Yarn Candie is on the rise!!!!
And in ever better news, the Giants have won their last 7 games! Hooray for summer!

ETA: found this on my L&V swap partner's blog

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

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