Wednesday, June 20, 2007


You know you're a knitter when you see this:

And you instantly try to figue out how you can knit that pattern into a scarf and/or bag. These are the tiles on the floor of the BART station. I walk over them twice a day, most week days and have done so for the past year. For some reason, today I decided they'd make a great purse pattern. So now I have a chore for the weekend - find the pattern - because I'm sure someone else has already created one.

Other chores planned for the weekend - stash organization including breaking out the swift and trying to see if I can justify spending cash on a ball winder. I want to start on the Noni bag I'm making for myself too. There will be some sewing in my weekend plans also - I've got 3 purses that need lining - and I L O V E me some sewing. I'm inclined to hunt for a pattern for a hoodie for my daughter. We saw some very cute ones, in Macy's, in Nicole Richie sizes. So the hunt is on for a pattern and then some cute fabric.

Additional randomess - some pics I took whist walking across the street from my office building

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