Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Totally not knitting related but....

I saw this headline and it made me chuckle and throw up in my mouth just a little bit.........

Jamie Lynn Spears Sends Support to Palin's Pregnant Daughter
Teenage mom Jamie Lynn Spears has sent troubled Alaskan 17-year-old Bristol Palin a baby gift package following the scandal surrounding her pregnancy.
Spears, who revealed she was pregnant last Christmas -- when she was just 16 -- feels a kinship to Palin, the daughter of Republican Vice Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin, and decided to show her support by sending designer baby burpcloths.
The Palin family confirmed reports their eldest daughter Sarah was pregnant shortly after the Alaskan governor was picked as Senator John McCain's running mate in the upcoming presidential election.
"Access Hollywood" has revealed Jamie Lynn's mother Lynne Spears called Los Angeles baby boutique Petit Tresor on her daughter's behalf to order a small gift.
A store insider explains Lynne and Jamie Lynn wanted to send a gift worth under $100 to Bristol, and chose a collection of Plain Mary white burp cloths with pink writing.
The note attached to the gift read, "Dear Bristol, Hang in there ... xoxo, Jamie Lynn."

First of all, I applaud Obama's remarks that family should be off-limits - especially under-aged family. Having said that, it was no nice to see those god-fearing republicans make personal attacks on Michelle Obama. But back to baby gate.

I can't quite figure out if Jamie Lynn now feels like her situation has been legitimized because she's not the most famous unwed mother of the moment. Or is she jealous because she's not the most famous unwed mother of the moment? I suspect it was less a gesture of solidarity and more a PR ploy. And a pretty inexpensive one at that - $100 ? Burp cloths? Yeah, that's what I wanted when I was the world's most famous pregnant teenager expecting my first child. I think what the poor girl needs, is some privacy.

I promise knitting content tomorrow.

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