Tuesday, May 01, 2007

....buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks.......

I don't care if I ever come back......one advantage of putting all your Giants paraphernalia at your desk is that people offer you tickets. I got offered tickets for the game last night but turned them down because it's Weight Watchers night. After rushing home to meet up with my friend who goes with me (and who drives since I'm car-less), I get a call saying she can't go. Too late to get a ZipCar to go alone, I watched the Giants game on TV and ate too many Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. But, my niece called, she's got tickets for tonight's game - so I'll be rushing outta work again today to meet her up for tonight's game. And I'm bringing my knitting - I've got way too much knitting to do! Plus, it's Singles Night. Giants baseball, a bag of knitting, single men who are baseball fans, garlic fries & hot links....what more could a girl want? Yep, another Bonds homer.

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